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ElGab vs Nukles

7 participantes

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por MarianStyle Lun Ago 02, 2010 10:17 pm


Format :

Participant 1

+ All the assets of the participant and what you think

- What you dislike and all the defaillances

Participant 2

+ All the assets of the participant and what you think

- What you dislike and all the defaillances

- Variations - Name Of Participant
- Style - Name Of Participant
- Beatriding - Name Of Participant
- Entertainment - Name Of Participant
- Cleanliness/Smoothness - Name Of Participant

Overall Vote - Name of Participant (you must choose one of them)

Mensajes : 457
Reputación : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 23/05/2010
Edad : 32
Localización : Buenos Aires - zona oeste

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por kafaya Mar Ago 03, 2010 5:02 pm


+ got smooth trans, and clean varies,also bounce was cool and beatride was +/-

- very rep, the fps was too low, can't see that much about ur walk, also the song didn't fit ur walk too.


+ walk seens to be clean, also beatride was good, and u got a regular energy

- was very rep, also need work on some trans, and ur flow was weird too.

- Variations - elgab
- Style - elgab
- Beatriding - nukles
- Entertainment - elgab
- Cleanliness/Smoothness - both

Overall Vote - elgab.


Mensajes : 5
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 26/06/2010

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por Sharni Sáb Ago 07, 2010 4:22 am

ElGab - was really basic. I didn't see anything that really stood out to me, or caught my eye. Sloppy, especially on your shuffle backstep. You kind os spam moves over and over sometimes - mix it up better. Looks kind of generic at some parts.

Nukles - cool style. It will look great once it has been fuly developed. Sometimes you pause a little bit.. it is not really necessary. Nice variations. Your video appealed to me. I enjoyed it. Some things could be fixed though, like after you spun around, your flow died.

- Variations - Nukles
- Style - Nukles
- Beatriding - Nukles
- Entertainment - Nukles
- Cleanliness/Smoothness - Nukles.

VOTE: Nukles


Mensajes : 5
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 07/08/2010

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por DeMiD Sáb Ago 07, 2010 3:48 pm

+ dynamic n flow

- repetive, beatridin was on n off, ur walk is stiff maybe u speed up to much, some parts of ur mixin is way too simple

+ varies n mixin was good, nice bouncy flow, style is ok, good beatridin, clean walk

- trans in 0:42 could be smoother

Variations: nukles
Style: nukles
Beatridin: nukles
Entertaiment: nukles
Clean/Smooth: nukles

VOTE: nukles


Mensajes : 3
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 06/08/2010

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por NikosPOLAND Jue Ago 12, 2010 12:28 pm

ElGab - Kinda sloopy, crap beatriding Sad coz of your fast ) nice moves, comobs, and flow. You're making good style. Keep working

Nukles - REP, i didn't see some "wow". sloopy, but lows. You should get 100% of beatriding with this soundtrack but you didn't. It was like 40%? Sad

- Variations - elgab
- Style - elgab
- Beatriding - Nukles
- Entertainment -
- Cleanliness/Smoothness - Nukles

VOTE: elgab

(sry for mistakes in language)


Mensajes : 8
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 11/08/2010

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por Shit Sáb Ago 14, 2010 12:36 pm

+ Buena energia en el video y buen estilo, la velocidad no te ha acompañado mucho pero quedo bien.

- Estilo generico en algunas partes y repetitivo, no hay nada que me haya llamado la atencion, podias aver dado mas.

+ Buena energia, has trabajado mucho los combos en este video y te da un punto a tu favor, limpieza buena y un buen estilo

- En algunas partes te ha faltado energia, podrias aver dado mas

Variations: nukles
Style: nukles
Beatridin: nukles/elgab
Entertaiment: nukles/elgab
Clean/Smooth: nukles

VOTE: nukles

Mensajes : 17
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 31/07/2010
Edad : 32
Localización : Madrid

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por MarianStyle Sáb Ago 14, 2010 12:50 pm

Ey Shit :S, el 5to jurado q te habia remplazado es Pertuba, el cual tiene que votar.
Vos una ves entrastes al foro cuando taban casi todas las battle sin votos y no votastes ninguna, entonses te como ninguno de los jurados que puso FrEA voto buscamos remplazos, asi que tu voto es anulado, ya que fuistes reemplazado como jurado y aparte que no podes hacer las cosas asi... de no votar ninguna battle desp de la de Choser, habiendo entrado 1 ves al foro... y desp apareser dando el ultimo voto.
Yo ya habia enviado un MP a FrEA diciendo que el jurado que iba a votar es Pertuba, y en parte no me cierra mucho que no hayas votado cuando debias y des justo el ultimo voto :/...
FrEA si quieren lo podemos hablar esto, pero creo tener razon como para anular el voto :/, mandan un MP a AWC o respondan aca si quieren.

EDIT: Ya hable con FrEA feliz.
El voto de Shit es anulado, ni bien aparesca Pertuba le decimos para que vote.

Mensajes : 457
Reputación : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 23/05/2010
Edad : 32
Localización : Buenos Aires - zona oeste

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por TazuRomania Jue Ago 19, 2010 6:20 pm

ok the pressure is on me this is one hot crew battle watched all the battles and I'm so sorry I did not vote on them


ok lets do this


+ a plus is you flow its constant and its smooth
+ another plus is your lyricride gone fast with your walk to suit the music that good

- i dont like the fact that you are real repetitive i se the same combo of moves over and over again sometimes you put between them another move but then again the same combo
- i love speed i love speed walkers and so on they inspired me to dance but I think you are not ready yet to speed walk it lookes stiff on you and sometimes sloppy you should controll youre walk firs and youre moves. I watched your videos you alectrodance i dont see you speeding up there. Also another fact all your cwalk videos look the same, same mix of moves evolve man bring something new in your walk. hope my advice helped good luck.


+ the style i like it and execution but the execution needs some work because its sloppy here and there work on angles of the feet
+the mix of moves its cool I cant say you are creative or uniq but its fun to watch

-the beatride should pay more atention on that because dancing cant exist without music!!!
- be carefull you become rep after some time work on that
-the spin killed your flow work on spins
-energy be carefull with it because it runs out if you dont know how to use it
-you are on the right path just dont forget to allways evolve good luck

Variations: nukles
Style: nukles
Beatridin: nukles
Entertaiment: nukles
Clean/Smooth: nukles

My vote goes to Nukles overall better walk in my eyes


Mensajes : 12
Reputación : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 19/08/2010

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

Mensaje por MarianStyle Vie Ago 20, 2010 3:21 am

Nukles won 3-2


FrEA won 3-2


Mensajes : 457
Reputación : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 23/05/2010
Edad : 32
Localización : Buenos Aires - zona oeste

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ElGab vs Nukles Empty Re: ElGab vs Nukles

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